
Flender soccer players make a virtue of necessity

Fundraiser replaces cancelled charity tournament

Bocholt, May 12, 2021

Stefan Busshoff (right) with Peter Ruenhorst from Projekt30

That has been a result that Flender soccer players had not dared to expect. 42,500 euros have been collected in their fundraiser that replaced the traditional charity soccer tournament. This is more than could be collected in most years by hosting the tournament. This had to be cancelled already in fall last year. At the same time, however, Flender soccer players came up with the idea to call for donations even without the tournament.

“We thought that if many things have to be cancelled due to Corona, then at least the good cause must not take a break," said Stefan Busshoff from the tournament's organizing team. “Many companies, that normally compete with their teams in our tournament, have even increased their donations. Also, many people that would have participated in our raffle, used a PayPal Moneypool to donate. We are absolutely thrilled,” Busshoff said. Flender and his employees had also supported the campaign with 10,000 euros. Many companies and clubs had also immediately agreed to provide jerseys and other prizes, which were raffled off among the donors. The winners of the prizes have already been notified, says Busshoff.

The two main donation recipients, Projekt30 and the Omega Foundation of the new Edith Stein Hospice in Bocholt, are pleased about a large part of the money. They will each receive 15,000 euros. "What Flender has put together here is outstanding. How much good we can do with this money cannot be credited highly enough. Due to the current situation, we hardly have any other donations coming in," said Peter Ruenhorst from Projekt30 when receiving the check. Projekt30 supports young people from the region who are dependent on the help of others following severe strokes of fate. The association currently looks after seven protégés. Medical care and rehabilitation measures are intended to enable them to reintegrate into society and lead independent lives.

Heinrich Grunden (right) of the Omega Foundation receives the check on the grounds of the future hospice from Jochen Lennartz of the Flender soccer team.

Heinrich Grunden of the Omega Hospice Foundation was also pleased with the large sum. "For us, such donations are the motivation to continue. We receive a lot of approval and that gives an enormous boost to our voluntary work," said Grunden. The Hospice Foundation is the sponsor of the outpatient and inpatient hospice service in Bocholt. Starting in summer, it will build the new Edith Stein Hospice on the site of the former “Herz-Jesu-Kirche”, with space for eight hospice residents. The money will go entirely toward the new building. "When the hospice is finished, it will be an enrichment for Bocholt and give its residents a place in the midst of the people of the city," says Grunden.

In addition to the two major donations, the Flender soccer players support other social projects in Bocholt and the surrounding area. For 32 years, the Flender charity tournament has established itself as a fixed institution in the Bocholt sports calendar. More than 700,000 euros have already been collected in donations for charitable causes during this time. "Once again, we would like to express our sincere thanks to all who contributed to this great result with their donation," said Stefan Busshoff and Jochen Lennartz from the organizing team. Despite the great success of the fundraiser, they and their fellow campaigners are determined that next year the ball will roll again in the Euregio Hall in Bocholt and money will flow into the donation box.