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There will always be drive technology. Flender is one of the most important players in the world of drive technology, a multiple award-winning driver of the energy transition and a secure employer. Our technologies are forward-looking protect the environment and have a firm place in the future. Be part of this future - as a customer, as a partner or as a Flenderan.


Flender is proud - of 125 years of success, growth and innovation - in short: of 125 years of future. Because it has been made possible and shaped by us for so long. We are proud to be a leading player in drive technology for wind energy, industry, raw materials extraction and transportation, and to be actively and significantly involved in shaping the global energy transition, a course that has been confirmed by prestigious awards.

As a strong community of 9,000 Flenderans worldwide, we are meeting the challenges of the present and the future. We achieve this by acting in a contemporary and sustainable way and by always being willing to think ahead, adapt and change. We approach the future with an open heart and are well prepared for it. 125 years of the future prove that our vision of being the 'partner of choice for a sustainable future' is the right one.




Traditions and a view of our achievements are important to us. However, they must not blind us as we look unwaveringly to the future. We do not shy away from challenges. We never have. As an innovation leader in drive technology, we have a clear focus on future viability in every respect. That is why we combine sustainable thinking and acting with technological progress. And that is why we aspire to be the partner of choice for a sustainable future. 




We are not only the leading player in the global universe of wind drive technology. We are also the leading player in the industry. With the largest installed base in the industry, you will find us all over the world and in all things of life. The driving force behind our progress is the uncompromising will to find solutions - both in terms of application fit and energy efficiency as well as in the digitalization of our drive technology. The latter is the key to even greater savings and sustainability. And last but not least, our service business focuses on availability and secures the new business of tomorrow.


Future Viability


As the most important technology driver, a reliable partner for suppliers and customers and a responsible employer, we align our strategies and activities strictly with the interests of people and the environment. We believe - or rather, we know - that there is no alternative to this approach with a view to the future. The consistent implementation of our sustainability strategies has been recognized with internationally renowned awards. Flender received a first-class ranking in both the prestigious EcoVadis Award and the German Sustainability Award and is also the most sustainable company in the Carlyle Group.


We are smart, agile and flexible and draw our future from ourselves and our partners. 9,000 Flenderans with one heart are heading into the future side by side, driven by passion. We are the partner of choice for a sustainable future. Our outstanding solutions meet our customers needs and save resources. We are not just the only company to offer drive intelligence, but also the only one with the data base to do so. It is not least this future viability that makes us an attractive employer.